art + sound IRL
It is truly the catastrophe of meaning that lies in wait for us – JEAN BAUDRILLARD In a world where our virtual life has consumed our physical state of being, the lines between IRL and URL dissolve through mechanical routine and limitless manipulation. Modulators and controllers of an overwhelming panoply of sights, sounds, information, and events, […]
# N S F W
Jay Gambit · Los Angeles · VCR (Vintage Contemporary Reconstructed) | Blog · Commentary · Events
| d o n ‘ t f o r g e t | TRY TO FORGET: A Group Show | opening | 8pm-1am Saturday, March 8th | 1443 N. Highland Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90028 | d i g i t a l | * Anthony Antonellis * Ian Aleksander Adams * Terrell Davis * Bebe Bones * Natalie Hands […]